Tintypes. 2 3/8" x 3 3/4"

I don't know that it is, I'm sure it is wishful thinking, but I would like to believe that the picture on the left is my 2nd Great-Grandfather, Charles Wiseman, born 1815, with his three youngest children. Is the child sitting on the man's lap a boy or girl? What is the time period? How old are the children in the picture? Susanna Wiseman was born in 1850, Samuel in 1855, and Henry in 1859. Charles would have been 35 years old when Susanna was born. The family lived near Vevay, in Craig Township, Switzerland County, Indiana.
To me, the young man in the right photo resembles the man in the picture with the children. What do you think? Click on the images for a larger version.
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