He carries monumental loads of gear up to the crag, a huge BD pig full of bolting gear, music, stove, hammock, ropes and croissants.
He elegant, he's strong, he's ever so stylish.Don't hate him cause he's beautiful.
Antoine clips the first of a dense cluster of quickdraws.
That is a whole lotta muscle coming up that cliff underneath me. Twin chalk bags, big guns, odd shoes.
We talk and talk, then Antoine will say "enough philosophy, let's climb"
Belayers beware. The Big Frenchman likes skinny ropes and roller biners. When he comes off it's like a bison comingatcha.
What are the odds hey.jjobrienclimbing had the lens open at the exact moment Antoine released his energy burst.Lucky I was at a safe distance.

Antoine wears: soft shell by Mountain HardwearAgriculturalists cap by John Deer
The annual Coolum "Sendfest" is the biggest event on The Cave calender and isthe brainchild of Antoine Moussette. Antoine keeps the score.
Points are assigned to the each climber on the basis of.... or maybe get added to the crag score or....... or something about acumulative something...
I really don't get it, but jeez it's fun. We climb, and Antoine and I drink a lot of chai and coffee.
He claims to be from Quebec. But he sounds French to me.
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