Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy Hour Queen Returns to Clermont

We've had quite a few happy hours here lately, but we had to have one more because Diane who is "the Happy Hour Queen is back. I forgot my camera so you'll have to go to Donna's blog to see the pictures.

Nathan and I are practicing for a pickleball tournament and I've noticed something. When we play against the guys, they play much harder against me this year than they did last year. I got hit twice today, and both times I was so glad because it reminds me to get my paddle up and that they aren't going easy on me so I need to stay focused and in the game.

Beyond that, we haven't been up to much because it's COLD again so I'm staying inside and doing some baking. I tried two different cookie recipes today, to see which one we like best. I asked Nathan if the first batch was better than my regular cookie recipe and he wisely answered, "It's hard to compare awesome to awesome." I'll try to remember to report the results from the other two guys who will be more honest with me.

In the meantime, here are the NY Chocolate Chip Cookies:

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