The cemetery has grown considerably since 1986. The view below was taken about 11 a.m. and is from the south side of the center road, looking north-northeast and shows about 1/3 of the cemetery. Lysander and Lydia's stone is a bit north of the clump of trees in the center of the picture.

When I was there in 1986, Lydia's inscription on the east side of the gravestone was difficult to read. That hasn't changed. However, it is amazing what a little water, a soft bristle brush, a towel and the right light will do. . .

1. The inscription before cleaning.
2. Using a little water and the soft bristle brush helps brings out the inscription.
3. With a little more water and using a towel. The green color comes from the lichen and moss that was growing on the stone. As I continued to clean the stone with water and a towel and remove the green stuff, the stone actually became more difficult to read again.
The inscription reads "LYDIA R. / Wife of / LYSANDER P. / JOSLIN / Died / Jan. 25, 1899 / AGED 73 YS 3 M / 15 D"

The inscription for Lysander is on the west side of the stone. It reads " LYSANDER P. / JOSLIN / Died / May 14, 1899 / AGED / 74 YS 13 D." I was waiting for the sun to move so the lighting would be better but I had forgotten to charge the camera battery the previous night, so this is the best shot I got of his inscription.
I spent about two hours at the cemetery listening to the wind blowing through the trees and across the hilly plains. And enjoying the sunshine. As time went by, the clouds moved in and the good light was lost. And that is when I decided it was time to come on home.
Photographs © .. Rebeckah R. Wiseman (taken November 28th)
Other posts in this series on my trip to Missouri and Kansas:
- On the Road
- Still on the Road...
- Baxter Springs
- I'm not in Kansas anymore!
- Past its Prime (An Old Schoolhouse in Kansas)
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