But really, we went to see Felder Rushing. That's him posing with his hanging salad garden ("I don't even have to bend over to eat it!").
He's one of the more entertaining people you'll ever hear speak. Whenever his name is mentioned, you'll notice that four or five folks will automatically chime in, "Oh he's such a hoot." And he is, but you learn a lot too.

His traveling truck garden. Seventy miles an hour, and everything is fine.

Not your grandfather's notion of truck farming.

Flamingo #1.

Flamingo #2.

The whole of it. Note the wind chimes on the right. "If you see whiteflies, just drive faster."

My favorite bumper sticker.
Check out his website for more great unusual gardening ideas, photos of previous incarnations of the truck crop, articles, and more.
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