Every year since we have been wintering at Peace River TT's, we have heard people talk about Pioneer Park Days at the park across the street. And every year we have somehow missed getting over there to check it out. So we made sure to do it this year.
So what is this event, that has been happening here for 43 years? Well, it is part flea market and part celebration of pioneer living. There are many demonstrations that show how the pioneers lived such as dutch oven cooking, basket weaving and other 1800's activities. Then there are rows and rows of stuff. Stuff to browse and stuff to buy.

Then there are tractors, tractors and more tractors. Real ones and toy ones. Over 400 exhibits of them.

Lots of cool cars.

Lots of hit and miss steam engines which I find fascinating.

Really cool RV's.


Yummy food.

And fun!

We had a great time here and now we know that it is something we will be sure to want to visit each time we are here!
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