The 32d Annual reunion of the Phend family was held at Nappanee Community Park Aug 31st 1941 with 47 present. The dinner was served at noon a little late but nevertheless seemed to be enjoyed by all.
The meeting or reunion of 1940 was cancelled on account of Infantile Paralys.
Business session then called to order by the Pres. Henry Phend
Officers elected for the ensuing year as follows
Pres Henry Phend
V. Pres Fred Ernest
Sec & Treas F. A. Wehrly
Motion made & 2d that the reunion be held at the same place next year, on the 4th Sun of August
Motion made & 2d that the present Pres. Be retained
Motion made & 2d that the present Sec & Treas be retained.
[page 2]
Motion made & 2d that Fred Ernest be V. Pres. Motion carried.
Motion made & 2d that Evelyn act as chairman of the entertainment committee.
Balance on hand $1.11
Coll 4.40
[balance] 5.57
Expenses last year 1.11
Expenses for park 1.00
Bal of 3.40
Ice Cream 2.00
Bal $1.40
Arrangements made for the use of South End of Pavillion for 1942 the sum of $2.50 for Pavillion.
Marriages for 1939 & 1940, 1941
Madeline Phend & John R. Walters
Josephine Phend & Lowell Poyser
Richard Ernest & Priscilla Kelley
Warren Pletcher & June Bosse
Robert Thornton & Lio Zman [Leona Zeman]
Harry Pletcher & Ruth Lyons
George Ernest & Florence Stickel
[page 3]
Judith & Sally [to] Mr & Mrs Donald Phend
Jerry Lee - to Mr & Mrs Lowell Poyser
Patsy Kay - to Mr & Mrs George Ernest
Judith Ann - to Mr & Mrs Guy Phend
June Ellen - to Mr & Mrs R. O. Bechtel
Edith Patrice - to Mr & Mrs H. L. Wehrly
Lulu Allen and Scott Allen - 1940
Wm Phend July 25 - 1941
A general good visit was had by all and some enjoyed a couple games and the small children had a good time on the slides & rides after which Ice Cream was served. All started for home seeming well pleased with the day well spent.
F. A. Wehrly Sec. & Treas.

The Phend-Fisher families gathered for a reunion in Northern Indiana almost annually from 1909 until 1943. The events of the day were recorded in an old ledger book. Spelling has been retained as it was in the original though some punctuation and paragraph breaks have been added. To view all articles in this series click on the "Phend-Fisher Reunion Ledger" label at the bottom of this post.
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