Since Linda began a new life as an outdoor bike, ithas been raining heavily and continuously. I considered bringing the poor bike back inside, but resisted. In her 15 years of life she has probably seen worse. So I left her outdoors as it poured day after day.

So what's the damage to a Dutch transport bike after two weeks of being left out in the rain? Well, the main thing is that the front brake has developed a shrill squeal. I didn't know that could happen to hub brakes, but apparently it can. The stopping power is the same as before, only now it sounds like a hysterical piglet. The rear coaster brake makes no noise. Should I somehow lubricate the front hub? We are scaring people at intersections!
[Update: The front brake squeal stopped on its own as soon as the rains stopped. Works as well as before and just as silently.]
The other thing is that the leather grips are now completely soggy, since, unlike the saddle, I made no provisions to cover them. I installed these gripsin Octoberand they've been rained and snowed on many times with no adverse consequences, so I didn't think it would be a big deal to just leave them uncovered. But of course when it rains non-stop for so many days, it's a different story. Not sure what to do now other than just wait for the sun and let them dry out naturally. But in the future I should try Bobbin and Sprocket's smart solution.

Otherwise, nothing on the bike seems any worse for wear. I am especially pleased that my silver lug-lining (done with a
Sharpie!)has held up and that the bottle dynamo isunaffected. Now if only it would stop raining!
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