Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Visiting My Family in Jackson

Most of us headed over to Jackson to see my family today. Nathan has been sick, so he stayed home. I have an insanely large family, so to get us all together is a big task. We did pretty good this time. I was so touched that everyone scrambled at the last minute to come and see us. My sister Traci and my Mom cooked us all a great steak dinner and we got to chat some. And we even got a group picture! Not all of us are in it, but we at least were able to get a group shot of some of us.

I wish I'd have grabbed more pictures while there, but it was pretty hectic and the time flew by way too fast as it was. I'm grateful to have days like this since I don't get to see my family very often anymore.

We left Ashleigh and Elijah in Jackson. The RV will be extra quiet without them. We really enjoyed our visit with Ashleigh so much. I am especially grateful for the time with her this past week. I didn't know exactly how it would go, because we don't really have company stay with us in the RV very often. And we haven't been around Ashleigh day in/day out for a few years. On top of that, we've had some hard years that were painful for both us as parents, and for Ashleigh who was going through hard things. As the oldest child, she has had to forgive us as parents far more than the other ones. She's been vocal at times about that fact. Within ten minutes of her being around, it was just like she'd never left. Which was really cool to me.

It was so moving to me to see the person she is growing into and that she is still Ashleigh, with a huge heart, even after going through rough things. Just a more mature version of Ashleigh! We love you so much, Ash, and you still crack us up. Get your RV so you can join us on the road!

Living the life in Michigan!

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