Jasmine is looking forward to spring too, I think.
Yesterday one of the Dominiques failed to return to the roost when it started getting dark.
She's always the last one to go up, and she's also bad to wander off far from the others.
Since it was a gray day yesterday I figured a coyote had gotten her. (They always seem to be worse on dark days.)
I scolded Jasmine and told her that she was spending too much time trying to get out of the fence and not enough time guarding the chickens.
After supper Phil suggested that I go out and look by the coop again to make sure she hadn't come back. I didn't want to. I knew she wouldn't be there, and I was already sad enough.
I think half the reason she stayed away from the other chickens so much is that she was tired of roosters. We have three, and that's too many for 14 hens I think.
She is missing lots of feathers on her head and on her back, due to the roosters.
I kept thinking about the poor little half-bald baby all the way up to the coop. I was almost in tears over a chicken, again.
When I shined the flashlight under the coop, I couldn't believe it... she was there! Huddled up and looking all scrunched over and pitiful, about halfway back.
I eventually coaxed her out, and she even let me pick her up to put her back in the coop.
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