This may look familiar to some readers. It is a slightly different view of the gravesite of the family of Peter and Christina Wise in Gilead Cemetery, Miami County, Indiana.
You see that stone to the left of Peter and Christina's? (Theirs is the fourth tall white marker to the left.) Well, I have reason to believe that it is another daughter of theirs. Had I taken the time last week, to look at other stones in that area (you all know that is what you're supposed to do, don't you?) and make note of the names nearby, then when I found that information on the four claimants in Christina Wise's estate entry at the Courthouse in Peru a week ago, the names might have 'clicked' in this feeble little brain of mine. As it was, it took a while longer, but thanks to an online cemetery index I did make the connection. And yeah, I made another trip to Gilead, Peru, and Wabash. Yesterday. I'm so glad it's not all that far away. Photographs taken on February 14, .. by Becky Wiseman.
These were the four claimants mentioned in Christina's estate entry (about half-way down that post): Rosanna Hate (or Hale), Luella Culbertson, William Kircher, and John J. Mohler.
As noted in that post there is a William Kercher in the 1870 and 1880 census for Perry Township, Miami County, Indiana. With him in 1870 is his wife Catherine and daughter Lulla. In 1880 is his wife Catherine, John A. Culberson, son-in-law, and Luella Culberson, daughter.
That stone to the left of Peter and Christina's? It's for William and Catherine Kircher. And the one to the left of theirs? It's for their son-in-law John Culbertson. There will be another post, soon, on what I found on them. Catherine's obituary did not provide any family information (none, nada, zilch), but it was "signed" by Effie Hoffman. That would be her niece, daughter of Eliza Jane Wise Hoffman.

WILLIAM KIRCHER / DIED NOV. 15, 1895 / AGED 67 Y. 10 M. & 3 D.
CATHARINE A. HIS WIFE / DIED FEB. 5, 1884 / AGED 58 Y. 1 M. & 20 D.
With better lighting conditions, the stone on the right would be easier to read and photograph.
JOHN A. / CULBERTSON / DIED / APR. 23, 1883 / AGED 25 Y. 6M. / & 1 D.

I couldn't find this marker when I went to the cemetery last week, but with the online transcription, noted above, it was easily located this time.
ELIZABETH WISE / DIED / MAY 24, 1854 / Aged 17 Y 4 M
Yes, I swept away the snow to read her age, but it isn't a "pretty" picture.
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